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Project Name

By filling in the Name field in the Project Properties dialog’s General tab, you set the name for your project. This name is also used by your project’s root summary task.

Start Date and Planning from Start and Finish Dates

By default, your project is planned from the Start date, which you can set in the Project Start Date field of the Project Properties dialog.

In some cases, it may be convenient to plan your project from the Finish date. To do so, switch to Plan from Finish date in the Project Properties dialog and edit the Project Finish Date.

Keep in mind:

  • For projects planned from the Start date, the default constraint for newly created tasks is As soon as possible.
  • For projects planned from the Finish date, the default constraint for newly created tasks is As late as possible.

When switching between planning from Start and Finish, constraints of existing tasks are not changed except for summary tasks, including the root summary task.

For summary tasks:

  • The As soon as possible constraint is replaced with As late as possible when switching from planning from Start to Finish.
  • The As late as possible constraint is replaced with As soon as possible when switching from planning from Finish to Start.

First Day of the Week

Depending on your country, a week may start on Sunday or Monday. You can update the First Day of Week field on the Regional tab of the Project Properties dialog to change the default setting for your project.

Changing this property updates the user interface, including the Gantt chart on some zoom levels, but does not affect scheduling. Update Calendars if necessary to update the schedule.

Currency and Currency Position

You can change the default currency used in your project by filling in the Currency field on the Regional tab of the Project Properties dialog. Specify the currency as a sign (like €), a shortcut (EUR), or the full name (euro).

Set the Currency Position field to specify whether the currency appears before or after the value, with or without a space.

When you change the currency, cost values are not recalculated.

Hours per Day, Days per Week, Days per Month

In Ingantt, you can specify Duration, Work, or Lag in Hours, Days, Weeks, and Months.

For example, setting a task’s duration to 2 Days means 16 hours using the default settings.

By default:

  • 1 Day equals 8 hours.
  • 1 Week equals 5 days (40 hours).
  • 1 Month equals 20 days (160 hours).

You can change these default settings on the Advanced tab of the Project Properties dialog.

You should have a very good reason to change any of these settings. Keep them set to defaults for most projects.
